##load dataset
res <- read.csv("~/Desktop/Toy house/survResponses.csv")
##change 0 to 2, change 1&2 to 0
for (i in 15:37){
    res[,i][which(res[,i] == '2')] <- 'a'
    res[,i][which(res[,i] == '1')] <- 'a'
    res[,i][which(res[,i] == '0')] <- 'b'
    res[,i][which(res[,i] == 'a')] <- '0'
    res[,i][which(res[,i] == 'b')] <- '2'
##extract flavor data
flavor <- res[,15:37]

##delete all incomplete data  
res = res[res$V10 == 1, ]

##delete the date that last more than 20 minutes or less than 1 minute
res$time = difftime(res$V9, res$V8, units = c('mins'))
res = res[which(res$time < 30 & res$time > 1), ]
##extract Greek data
Greek = res[res$Q2_1 >= 50, ]
measReach = function(data){
    if(is.null(dim(data))){ #if data is a vector
        ret = sum(data>0,na.rm=TRUE)/length(data)
    } else if(ncol(data)==1){ #if data has only one column
        ret = sum(data>0,na.rm=TRUE)/length(data)
    else { #if data has multiple columns
        ret = sum(apply(data>0,1,any),na.rm=TRUE)/nrow(data)

evalNext = function(nextSet,set,data,measure=measReach){
    vals = numeric(length(nextSet)) #set up storage for return value
    for(k in 1:length(nextSet)){#loop over the options in nextSet
        if(length(set)==0){       #if no existing options
            vals[k] = measure(data[,nextSet[k]]) 
        } else {                    #if existing options
            vals[k] = measure(data[,c(set,nextSet[k])])

evalFull = function(fullSet,data,origSet=numeric(0),measure=measReach){
    curSet = origSet; #the current set of included options
    remSet = fullSet[!(fullSet%in%origSet)]; #the remaining set of options to consider
    K = length(remSet)
    optVals = numeric(K); #create storage for the optimal values (optVals)
    ordSet = numeric(K); #create storage for ordered set
    for(i in 1:K){          #loop over the remaining set consider
        tmpVals = evalNext(remSet,curSet,data,measure); #calculate vector of next evaluations
        k = which.max(tmpVals) #pick the option that gives max measure, note will pick first case if a tie!
        optVals[i] = tmpVals[k] #add optimal value
        ordSet[i] = remSet[k]   #add index of option that creates optimal value
        curSet = c(curSet,ordSet[i]); #add optimal next option to current set
        remSet = remSet[-k];          #delete optimal next option from remaining set
    #creaets a "TURF object" containing ordSet, optVals, origSet, origVal, measure, and pnames
    turf = list(ordSet=ordSet,optVals=optVals,origSet=origSet,origVal=measure(data[,origSet]),measure=measure,pnames=colnames(data))
    class(turf)="TURF" #makes the list into a TURF object so that can call plot.TURF
    turf  #return turf

        cat("Object not a turf.")
    } else {
        df = with(turf,data.frame(vals = c(origVal,optVals),titles=paste(0:length(ordSet),c("Original",pnames[ordSet]),sep=":")))
        dodge = position_dodge(width=.75); ##to form constant dimensions positioning for all geom's
        gp = ggplot(df,aes(y=vals,x=titles))
        gp + geom_bar(position=dodge,stat="identity",col=1,fill=4,width=.75)
## delete all NA rows in flavor data
Greek2<-Greek[-which(apply(Greek[,15:37],1,function(x) all(,]

##TURF Analysis
brandsPurch = Greek2[,15:37]
brandsPurch[] = 0

names(brandsPurch)=c("Almond", "Banana", "Black Cherry", "Blueberry", "Caramel", "Chai", "Chocolate", "Cinnamon", "Coconut", "Honey", "Key Lime Pie", "Lemon", "Mango", "Mapel", "Peach", "Pineapple", "Plain", "Pomegranate", "Raspberry", "Strawberry", "StrawBan", "Vanilla", "VaniBan")
turf = evalFull(c(1:23),brandsPurch,c(4,20,15,22,17,10))

## all yorgut #######
## delete all NA rows
allyogurt<-res[-which(apply(res[,15:37],1,function(x) all(,]

##TURF Analysis
brandsPurch2 = allyogurt[,15:37]
brandsPurch2[] = 0

names(brandsPurch2)=c("Almond", "Banana", "Black Cherry", "Blueberry", "Caramel", "Chai", "Chocolate", "Cinnamon", "Coconut", "Honey", "Key Lime Pie", "Lemon", "Mango", "Mapel", "Peach", "Pineapple", "Plain", "Pomegranate", "Raspberry", "Strawberry", "StrawBan", "Vanilla", "VaniBan")
turf2 = evalFull(c(1:23),brandsPurch2,c(4,20,15,22,17,10))