Data Analytics

Predictive Analysis with Python


Machine learning is a basic skill of a data analyst. In order to decide whether the customer have a good credit, we conduct machine learning with more than 20K data from bank, after data cleaning and data scaling, we build some models and choose the one which has the highest accuracy as our final model.

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The Optimal Price for Bubble Beverage


Demographic segmentation is a very important method when we conduct the pricing analytics, we can cluster our customers based on their demographic information. After clustering the customers, we can set optimal price to get a higher profit and provide dircriminate price for our customers.

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Twitter Complaint Comment Analysis


Text analysis is a part of the data analysis, NLP is a useful method to conduct text analysis, which can help us find the most frequent words in a corpus. In order to find out the complaint comments of the airline companies, I use TDM and machine learning to select the those comments, and the accuracy of my model is nearly 70%.

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